Netherlands chapter of a pan-European network
There can be no defense without Europe and no Europe without defense

Eurodefense is an independent and influential network of active-duty and retired politicians, diplomats, top military officers and scientists from 16 European nations. Their main goal is to provide the European Council, European Commission and European Parliament with recommendations on Defence related policies from an independent perspective.

Goals and background

Eurodefense is a private and independent initiative, founded in 1994 by a French General and a German Ambassador in Paris, both of whom intended to foster and support the idea of a common Europe, primarily with regard to common security and common defense. This intent has remained unchanged.
Changed, however, is the security environment in Europe as well as globally, and the Europe of the European Union has seen serious alterations as well. 

Eurodefense has accompanied the process from the WEU to the Common Security and Defense Policy and supported this by various initiatives and proposals.
Since that time the netork regularly provides the European Commission, Council and Parliament with recommendations on policy development and execution. These recommendations are also sent to Member State authorities and parliaments as well as the media. You can find these recommendations in English on our News page. 


The members of Eurodefense comprise active-duty or retired politicians, diplomats, military officers and scientists, as well as representatives from the business community and the media. They all are united in their efforts to reach common approaches regarding questions of European security and defense in the context of the transatlantic partnership. 

In contrast to official forums and political platforms, the intimate atmosphere of Eurodefense allows for nongovernmental, private, and unconventional debate and discussion. In pursuit of its goals EuroDefense is conducting conferences, authoring working papers and memos, and provides expertise for decision makers within the EU by submitting letters and memoranda. 

Europe wide network

In a Europe of multiple and diverse national interests and ideas, intellectual dispositions as well as strategie cultures, EuroDefense offers contributions to facilitate harmonization, the reconciliation of interests, and the finding of workable compromises. 

Currently, Eurodefense is represented in 15 members states of the European Union: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Portugal, Austria, Luxembourg, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Finland and Denmark (order of joining)

Technology is of great importance for defence. For this reason Eurodefense established a partnership with the Federation of European Defense Technology Associations (EDTA) in 2015.


In the Netherlands, Eurodefense Nederland foundation (EDNL) discusses the national defense policy and the security and defense policy of the European Union and formulates common positions on this matter. EDNL meets about once every six weeks. Former Defence minister Dr. Wim van Eekelen is honorary president of EDNL.

The positions of EDNL are disseminated in the international EuroDéfense network and through the partnership with the Defense and Security Division of the Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI). EDNL also communicates directly with ministers and members of parliament in the Netherlands.

More information 

More information about EDNL and the the international Eurodefense network can be found at the About EDNL page.
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